Friday, March 15, 2013

Rambling 3.15.13

*This was something was on my heart when I woke up this morning.*

Earlier this week, I told a dear friend in G-Chat that the breakup I experienced in 2011 was the best and worst thing to happen to me.   I made plans.  I knew I had found The One.  Sorority Life took a backseat after going hard for 2008 - 2010 because I was focused on us growing together because the inevitable was going to happen:  Marriage and kids.

Then the breakup.

I didn't know how to deal...what to do to deal.  And my tweets (per my Twitter archive)  reflected that.

So I took a break...from everything.  Less than a week afterwards, I resigned form my position as Sergeant-At-Arms for my chapter and didn't bother paying dues for the 2011-2012 sorority year.  I, purposely, missed different social events because I didn't want to be bothered with anyone except my family and close friends...the ones who never left my side.  I had to get Kenya back in order.

I didn't want to use liquor to cope, so I continued working out and hooping.  I was in the gym on plenty of Fridays nights taking my frustrations out on weights.  Anything but drinking, because drinking brought out emotions.

I despised coming home because of the reason I moved in this apartment.

Shambles, son.

Then, I got an email about yoga class.  One of the benefits was relieving stress.  Say no more.  Sign me up.

Then I turned 29...last year of the 20s.  A "new year"...fresh start.

I got the bullshit out my life.  I forgave.  I grew.  I overcame.  I lived.  The best year of my 20s, yo.

Now, here I am.

I saw a post on Instagram the same day as the g-chat convo mentioned earlier that was so on time.

"Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best thing that will ever happen to us."

Bring it on, Life.  Bring it on.

K to the...

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Please remove your shoes and leave them at the door.