There are a few people who have been working at my job for 20, 30 years. It's like a big family and, aside from the interns, it seems I may be the youngest...again. Within this family, there is a Debbie Downer, with whom I work closely. She hates her job and has no problem telling people this...even our boss. O_O
Every time she talks to me she mentions:
- how she's hated her job since her first day, 4 1/2 years ago;
- how she's trying to get out;
- how she can't believe my previous job wasn't better;
- how I should have done my research
One day, we were in the bathroom together and as I was washing my hands, she goes "So, this place was the only place that replied when you were searching for jobs?" Like, she was just disgusted that I wanted to work where I'm working. Look, I just want to wash my hands, ma'am!
I'm at the point where I'm scared to have a convo with her because it'll be full of her complaining and me saying "aaawww" as I try to keep my nonverbal from saying "Please, shut the hell up!"
Cheese and rice!
K to the...