Friday, December 21, 2012


As someone who was born & raised in Chicago...

As someone who drives 15 miles from Indiana to work in Chicago everyday...

As someone whose family still resides in the neighborhood in which I was raised that saw too much violence in 2012 resulting in my sister losing a friend...

As someone who has no kids, but was saddened by what happened in Newtown, Connecticut...

It annoys me that it took what happened in Newtown, Connecticut for there to be some serious discussion about gun control.

According to the Washington Post, there have been 2,364 shooting incidents, since January 1st, in Chicago.  There have been 487 homicides, with 87% of those homicides being gun-related.  Eighty-seven percent of 487 is 424.

Four hundred twenty four gun-related homicides.

So no...this extra delayed gun control discussion doesn't annoy.  It actually pisses me off.

K to the...


  1. It should piss you off. So, now what do we do about it?

    1. The discussion on gun control is a start, at least. Judging from the tweets I saw today, the NRA with whatever was said at this press conference they had.


Please remove your shoes and leave them at the door.