Monday, December 1, 2014

Basketball Chronicles: Getting all choked up

Some of my favorite classes in undergrad were sociology classes. Every time I go play ball, I feel like I’m in “Sociology 300: Men Who Act Like How ONLY Women Supposedly Act, As If Men Aren’t Human Beings.”

So, there is a game going on, and I can hear this one guy going off on the other end of the court. He does it so much, I don't bother trying to figure out the reason. So, the play comes down to the end of the court where I was shooting around. The guy who was going off gets bumped out of bounds by the person whom, I believe, he fouled on the other end. Rage is fully activated at this point. Someone pass me the popcorn!

Let me back up a bit.

The rager is shorter than me…5’4” at the most. His target? At least 5’11”.

OK, I’m back.

The rager pushes his target. Then proceeds to put his hands around his neck and chokes him as he is pushing him back. I’ve seen this dude go off before, but what was noticeable this time was that NOBODY tried to stop it. I guess folk were tired of his shenanigans. And I definitely wasn’t going to get in between two grown men. Sheeeiiiiiiiid!

The court monitor doesn't say anything. But a lady who works at the front desk just so happens to be in there and sees it. She tells him he has to go. He tries to plead his case or whatever, and walks out of the gym. A few minutes later, he walks back in and the lady who initially told him he had to leave is following him. Words are exchanged, and he then says “you’re a dumbass bitch.”

*screeching wheels*

That might be the last time I see that guy play ball in that place. He just might be banned for life because not only did he disrespect a fellow member; he disrespected an employee.

Maybe he should try some yoga.

K to the…

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