Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cubicle Chronicles 1.27.10

Ladies, gents, dogs, cats and parakeets!

I am still alive here in the blog world. But ever since my addiction to Twitter, my random thoughts I'd usually post here, are now being tweeted. However, I've realized all my Twitter followers don't read my blog; and all those that read my blog aren't necessarily on Twitter. So I'm going to make a better effort to post twice a week. It was thrice when I first started, but The Man (the CEO, who is actually a black woman) has me working, fa realla!

Now that I've gotten this disclaimer out the way, here's another edition of the Cubicle Chronicles.

Today's post is focused on the coworker who sits to my right. He's from the motherland, & a real sweetheart. He used to work my nerves because he does talk alot, and I'm not real talkative at work. But I've been engaging in more convo, even letting my ignance show at times.

Over, the past couple weeks, he's done some things that require me to give a o_O!

1.) On one of my cubicle walls, I have pics of fam, and my friends' kids. (Yeah, Ion't have any kids, so I have to flaunt someone else's.) Anywho, there's a group fam pic, and my cousin is in this pic. Well, my co-worker has a crush on him...just off this picture. Everytime my coworker stands up and faces me, he can see this pic. Well one day he told me...he looks at that pic everytime he stands up; says my cousin is seducing him in the pic.


A part of me wants to move the pics.

2.) One day I was at my desk after coming from lunch or a meeting; can't remember exactly, but I was away from my desk for a while. So I'm working and all of a sudden, he reaches over the cubicle wall...and places MY 3-hole punch on my desk. He said "I had to use this." Obviously, but...wait a minute, dammit! You just gon' take my ish off my desk? This the same dude who entered my cubicle, unannounced, took some of my Kleenex, then walked out.

But, um...back to my "wait a minute, dammit!" You are rude!


It's always something...

K to the...

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