Today's post is more somber than other posts here on Fantastical Randomocity. I'm sure everyone has heard about what happened in Haiti and it's devastating. Reminds me of watching my people suffer in New Orleans after Hurrican Katrina. What's even more devastating about this situation in Haiti is knowing someone who's down there.
Sunday, I received an IM from my cousin saying he was on the last plane to Haiti. I was away from my computer, so by the time I saw the message and responded to see how long he would be response. So when I find out about the hits me! So I response. I call...straight to voicemail. My cousin calls his wife...straight to voicemail. I know cell phone service is weak there, but folk have been able to tweet and fb they are ok. So I wrote on his fb wall....just hoping I could get some response from him. Hopefully when he gets some power back to his phone...he'll text me back.
I see images of people sleeping in the street...caught under rubble and I can't help but to think, "Is my cousin out there? What about the baby?"
So prayers to Haiti today...and I'm saying a special prayer for my cousin and his family.
Also, click on the banner to donate to the relief fund. Or you can text "yele" to 501501 to donate $5. The $5 will be added to your cell phone bills.
Come on yall...every little bit counts!!!
K to the...
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