Friday, December 24, 2010

30 Day Challenge: #30 Your Reflection in the mirror

Dear Me,

First of all, this is a 30 Day Challenge, that was started on October 21st. 30 Day Challenge means it should have been finished in 30 Days, not 30 different posts spread across 2 months. Blogging isn't your life, soooo...I understand.

Second, let me just say I am proud of the woman you have become. No you didn't own your condo at 25, and get engaged at 27, like you planned. But you have been living life to the fullest. Honestly, if you were to find out you were pregnant today, would you feel as if you have kicked it enough?

If you're going to keep adding ish to your bucket list, you betta start getting ish cracking. Remember, we don't need these eggs to first contribute to the Earth's population when you turn 35. No ma'am, we want to start that a lil sooner.

And last but not least, I think you have enough damn friends. Go hide under a rock, woman! The world is too small, and soon you're going to find someone who is related to the OB/GYN that helped bring you into this world.

Matter of fact, just sit down somewhere.

I'm kidding...keep living, keep growing, and most importantly...



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