Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Random Rumblings

  • Happy Valentine's Day! :-D
  • No, I don't have a Valentine. 
  • When I first started this blog, I was posting multiple times a week.  Then I joined Twitter on 9/26/09, and different things I could have written about were tweeted.  Then Tumblr came along and I truly neglected my first-born, Fantastical Randomocity.  So, now I'm trying to regain her trust again.  *caresses the blog*
  • I deleted my Tumblr page.  I really wish there was a way I could have saved all of my original thoughts on there.  Maybe 30% of my posts were original thoughts; the rest was me reblogging pics or other folk's thoughts.  So, some of my Tumblr posts will be rehashed on here.
  • My grandmother hates all things Internet, especially Twitter.  So, she gave me some advice a few months back: WRITE IT DOWN!  Because of this, I keep a small notebook in my "everyday bag".  I haven't written in it, yet. A lot of the time, music takes away whatever is bothering me...or I talk to myself or God.
  • I don't like to be informed of when someone is tweeting mess about me.  If I'm not mentioned in a tweet about me, by someone I don't follow, then it's not meant for me to see.  It has only happened once in my new year.  I'd like for that to be the first and last time.
  • Having personal business (whether true or false) on the Internet sucks.
  • Being able to block folk from texting or calling you is a great.  Thanks, Sprint!  Now, if they can block folk from showing up at my door, unexpectedly...
  • I love my new tat.  The location is risque for me, but the words are a reminder that needs to be easily seen by me.
  • I've officially gone down one size in my jeans.
  • RIP Whitney Houston.  I still can't believe it. 
K to the...

1 comment:

  1. Write more on your blog. I wanna know what you're thinking KD!


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