Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Look at God!

Yesterday morning, my mother called me while at work.  Her voice was calm...but it was an unusual calm. 

“I just had a gun pointed at me.”

She was standing outside of her job, talking on the phone with a family friend.  Two guys walked by her.  She continues her phone conversation.  Moments later, she hears a voice behind her.  She turns around, and it’s one of the dudes, face covered…gun pointed at her face.  She screamed and immediately ran back inside of her job.

My mom works at an adult day center in the neighborhood she grew up in.

The neighborhood I grew up in.

The neighborhood my grandmother STILL lives in.

Yesterday was my grandfather's 77th birthday.

During our long embrace, she said

"My dad had my back today."

Yes, he did.

K to the...


Please remove your shoes and leave them at the door.