Rudeness #1: His boo is sooooooo funny looking.
Rudeness #2: Lol...ur so funny. Did he speak or did he try to play u?
Rudeness #1: He spoke, but gave the phony hug, then I realized that was her behind him.
Rudeness #2: That's funny...she is very funny looking though she looks worse with no happy for them though
Rudeness #1: She had no weave on...MESS!
Rudeness #2: Lol yes a hot mess!!!!! And I'm sure a face full of ugly makeup!!!! I hate to see her without it
Rudeness #1: It was dim...and she was still funny looking. lol Didnt see how she looked in the light.
Rudeness #2: u may have ran cause it is so not cute. Nice to have ur guard dog on standby for u at all that was wrong I didn't mean that lol
Rudeness #1: LMAO! U are rude as hell. LMAO!
Rudeness #2: LMAO...I apologize cause that was mean. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that
Rudeness #1: I'm still laughing
Rudeness #2: I know she was growling when u hugged [him]...she a very good and protective ok no more
Rudeness #1: LMAO! I hatechu!
Rudeness #2: No u don'
Rudeness #1: Lol Ok, i dont
Rudeness #2: Rudeness #3 calls her bridezilla and it has nothing to do with her attitude LMBO
Rudeness #1: Yall are so rude! lol
Rudeness #2: No her face and fat ass is rude and [he] is just cruel for bringing her out to terrorize the world lol...
Rudeness #1: LMAO
Rudeness #2: Ok but for real if he happy then so I am...that's what he loves...they will make beautiful babies...LMAO...ok i'm just reaching with that one
Rudeness #1: LMAO! Stop it...stop it right now! LMAO
Rudeness #2: U stop it...u started it LOL
Rudeness #1: Lol Nature started it...I just made an observation!
Rudeness #2: Sometimes Nature ain't even right!!!!! Just mean I say!!!!!!!!
Rudeness #1: LMAO! Stop it...stop it RAHT now
Rudeness #1: I'm making this convo blog post lol
Rudeness #2: Lol where u posting it?
Rudeness #1: To my blog...Imma do it this evening. lol
Rudeness #2: I didn't know u had a that convo was hilarity (new word)
Rudeness #1: I use hilarity on the reg. And negro, i texted yall about the blog when I first started it. lol
Rudeness #2: I'm sorry but where do I work again????? Right I'm becoming the people I work for lol
Rudeness #1: Lol contagious Alzheimers...thats a new strand
Rudeness #2: Ummm yeah...the pentagon is researching now lol
Rudeness #1: lol