Dear HugMaNeck,
During the twenty plus years of friendship, we have watched each other grow from 1st graders to grown auss women. We have watched each other's younger sibling grow into beautiful young women. Now, it's almost that time to watch some of our own seeds grow to beautiful young women or handsome young men. With that said, I expect my god child to be conceived by 2012. Put the shut to the up...the sperm to the egg...and make it happen.
Love, Hug My Neck
P.S. Don't worry about when you'll get your godchild. This is about me and MY
On December 31, 2013, this woman selfishly called me at work and told me she was pregnant. I say she's selfish because she knew damn well I couldn't scream like I wanted to while at work. I cried tears of unspeakable joy. Tiff and I had talked about babies while growing up. My girls and I made a list of the order in which we'd have babies. I told her that I thought Baby Love will arrive in late 2014.
And it's happening. For real! And, I'm excited as hell! She will be the 2nd mommy in our birth to a Virgo.
Like Beyonce.
As of today, my bff is 15 weeks pregnant. She'll be home in a couple of months so I'll get to see the belly in person.
I'll probably cry.
And then put headphones on her belly and play some Michael Jackson for Peanut (My nickname for the baby.)
K to the...