As someone who was born & raised in Chicago...
As someone who drives 15 miles from Indiana to work in Chicago everyday...
As someone whose family still resides in the neighborhood in which I was raised that saw too much violence in 2012 resulting in my sister losing a friend...
As someone who has no kids, but was saddened by what happened in Newtown, Connecticut...
It annoys me that it took what happened in Newtown, Connecticut for there to be some serious discussion about gun control.
According to the Washington Post, there have been 2,364 shooting incidents, since January 1st, in Chicago. There have been 487 homicides, with 87% of those homicides being gun-related. Eighty-seven percent of 487 is 424.
Four hundred twenty four gun-related homicides.
So no...this extra delayed gun control discussion doesn't annoy. It actually pisses me off.
K to the...
Friday, December 21, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
30 for the Dirty 30!
*queue Jay-Z's "December 4th"*
Today marks the beginning of my new year. So in honor of the birthday, here are 30 thoughts from yours truly.
Today marks the beginning of my new year. So in honor of the birthday, here are 30 thoughts from yours truly.
- Time does heal wounds.
- Man plans, God laughs.
- It’s so easy to focus on those who hurt you, and forget those who were there by your side. I know where my focus is.
- In the words of my grandmother, Mei-Mei F. Baby, "It’s nice to be nice."
- I don’t take my friends for granted.
- I don’t take my family for granted.
- My little sister is my road dawg. The dance battles at my party weren’t a show; that’s normal behavior.
- I will continue to shop in the Juniors section as a 30-year-old.
- Yoga has to be the reason why my legs don't feel like noodles after dancing for 4 straight hours.
- Don’t sleep on the Day Party.
- "Iyanla, Fix My Vertical Leap."
- My love for playing basketball doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.
- My love for NIKE doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.
- Contrary to popular belief, I LOVE wearing heels. I mean, have you seen my legs!?!
- The ladies of Posh Entertainment are the bees’ knees and ankles!
- Fear has kept me from going for my Certified Public Accountant license. That fear is no longer there.
- While in undergrad, I said I’d have a condo by 25, be engaged by 27, and have my first baby by 30. I’m currently renting, single and was in a relationship the last time I did anything that would result in a baby. LOL
- I’m still winning.
- I hope I don’t make the same mistakes in my 30s as I did in my 20s.
- With my best friend moving to Italy (and my godchild possibly being born there), I’ll be getting some REAL stamps on my passport, son.
- I really wish I had some more inspirational ish to say right now.
- Netflix will continue to win over clubbing as I step into this new decade.
- I want at least one more tattoo.
- Castor oil is really the truth for your edges.
- I don’t remember the last time the weather was so beautiful in Chicago on 12/4. But I won’t complain.
- Are we at 30, yet?
- I told myself in undergrad that I’d try locking my hair, one day. Still might happen.
- Music is life.
- Aside from new moles and more grey strands, I honestly have no idea what to expect in this new decade. But I do know, I have the support of my friends and family. Happy Dirty 30 to me!!!
- “Ya bish!”
Thursday, November 8, 2012
#Realissues: Dirty 30 edition
As outlined in my “Dear Summer” post, I've kicked it all year for other people's 30th birthday. At this point, I’m just cruising until my 30th, which is 23 days away. I’m pretty chill about it now, but there is one thing I’m nervous about. I brought this topic up a couple of years ago on Twitter, but now that 30 is approaching, I have to ask:
When I turn 30, do I have to stop shopping in the Juniors section for my jeans?
This is a #realissue, people. I mean…the name of the section is “Juniors.” I’m not even considered a young adult anymore…unless I’m trying to join someone’s Youth & Young Adult Choir.
I’ve accepted these random moles that are popping up all over my body. I’ve grown to love the moles on my right cheek that I affectionately call “The Big Dipper” because of how they’re positioned.
I’ve accepted the fact that, though yoga is doing wonders for my body, I can’t be outcheah reckless. This includes stretching before hooping and wearing an ankle brace when my ankle feels just fine. If I want to wear heels when I turn 75, like my grandmother, I have to keep it all together.
Basically, I’ve accepted that I’m getting older.
But, dag nabbit, one thing I can’t accept are jeans that cover my belly button. NO! I refuse to head to the women’s’ section of a Macy's or Carson's for some Levi’s. Mom Jeans on this body? Pssshhh! That is a life that I refuse to be about.
So yeah, I’ll continue to head to the Juniors section for my jeans.
For now.
K to the…
File under
dirty 30,
getting older,
real issues,
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Dear Summer: I know you gon' miss me.
Summer 2012 was the last summer of my 20s…and I definitely got it IN! So today’s post will recap the highlights of the summer for me.
The Chicagoland area had a rather mild winter and I have no idea what happened to Spring. Since Summer was around for about 6 months, we’re gonna start with April.
- Dyed hair
- Vegas with the girls to celebrate the Dirty 30s
- Surprise 30th birthday party for the homie, Geo
- Memorial Day kickback with sorors
- My girl, DJ T-Race’s, 30th Birthday party
- Sprains ankle while sweating out tequila the following morning
- DJ T-Race’s Birthday dinner (two hours after I sprain ankle)
- Bridal shower for my bff
- “Housecooling” party for Big Rhon and Kim
- All-White Rooftop birthday dinner for my twinsie, Teelolo’s 30th birthday
- Chicago Pride Parade
- Bachelorette party for my Tre
- My ships and I turned 4
- My Tre gets married
- I caught the bouquet -___-
- “The Love Movement” Birthday celebration for my Della-Hunny
- Learned that my lungs aren't 'bout that hookah life.
- Old-fashioned house party for the homie, Marlene’s, 40th Birthday.
- Bachelorette party for the bff
- “Who Got The Rent Money” party at my homie, Sam’s, crib
- Bff gets married
- BarBeLuption (Barbecue-luau-reception for my bff.)
- Lil sis turns 17.
- Lil sis and I get matching tattoos in Japanese kanji
- Hers is “I like pink”
- Mine is “I like purple”
- I'm lying about the meanings
- Dentist appointment (Whaa? I stays on my 6 month cleaning schedule)
- Dyed hair lighter
- Gets cartilage re-pierced (So random)
- Nerissa’s 30th Birthday celebration
- Jacksonville Beach, FL with my girls
- Saw my White Sox beat the Detroit Tigers
- Power yoga
- Mexican Night with the girls
- Kendrick Lamar in concert along with Fly Union, Stalley, Jay Rock and Ab Soul
- Mommy turns 51
- Prince in concert along with Janelle Monae and an appearance by Ledisi
I think I will miss Summer way more than it'll miss me.
K to the...
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Unpopular opinion
After work, I made an executive decision to go grocery shopping. I spent $105 on groceries, and had this gourmet meal planned in my head. Oh, it was gonna be delicious. What do I fix when I get home? Pancakes and turkey sausage. That wasn't the damn meal I had in my mind while perusing the aisles. Well, at least I have a fridge full of food.
With that is my unpopular opinion on a few things as my 20s come to an end. (You like that segue, dontcha?)
Jhene Aiko
I first heard Jhene Aiko's voice on Kendrick Lamar's "Overly Dedicated" mixtape on "Growing Apart (From Everything)". I thought she was dope on that song...then, I found out she released a mixtape entitled "Sailing Souls." Since I liked her on the Kendrick Lamar joint, I figured it wouldn't hurt to give it a listen. I was wrong.
It did hurt...hurt my soul, son. That was damn near a year ago and I'm still suffering. I can only listen to her when she ISN'T the only person on the song. I've seen folk sing praises about her mixtape; folk tweeting her, begging for her to release new music. No ma'am, no Pam! I haven't deleted the mixtape from my external drive, though. I have faith that one day I will try to listen to it again...while cleaning up the crib
American cheese
If I ever receive the awful news that I'm lactose intolerant, my soul would be hurt. I love cheese. In my salad, on my tacos, in my eggs...YESS YESS YESS! CHEEEEESE. American cheese was my first cheese love. I used to sneak slices of cheese out of the fridge when my mom or grandmother were in the kitchen, and go indulge in my room; biting the slice into various shapes. I was such a rebel! So, I don't understand why I see so much American cheese slander. Maugs treat American cheese like it's the Keri Hilson of cheeses...just straight disrespecting it. What up wid dat!? Slander brussel sprouts! That ish is horrible!
In the past 5 years, cupcakes seem to have been on the rise as the perfect dessert to have. They come in so many flavors: lemon, red velvet, chocolate, vanilla bean, caramel, breast milk, etc. Now, I do enjoy a good cupcake every now and then. I just. Don't. Get. The hype. However, this comes from someone who gets excited when they have rainbow sherbet. Dah well. Maybe I'm just lame.
I'll be dat.
So what do you (my 4 readers) not like that it seems a lot folk you know do like? Or what do you like that those folk may not like?
K to the...
File under
unpopular opinion,
what I think,
who I is
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Being proud
About 5 or 6 years ago, while pumping gas, someone approached me with a petition. The petition was to make same sex marriage illegal; way before all the brouhaha that's in the news today. I just wanted dude to get up out my face, so I signed it without hesitation. After dude walked away, I knew damb well I didn't agree with what the petition stated. To this day, signing that petition still haunts me. Why? Because I have people in my life who I love dearly that are fighting for what that petition wanted to make illegal.
This year, I attended the Pride parade in my city for the first time and I had a blast.
People were out and about, proud of who they were and didn't give a damb about folk judging them. And that's how it should be...everyday! A weekend in June shouldn't be the only time someone like a soror of mine (Yeah, I'm talking you too, BGLOs*) can be proud of who she is. One weekend in June shouldn't be the only time she can feel comfortable when holding her girlfriend's hand while walking down the street.
Will we ever get to the point where my peeps can be proud everyday? When marriage between those of the same sex is simply called "marriage," just like marriage between a man and woman? I don't know. But, I do know my family, friends and sorors will always have my support.
And that's something that I'm very proud of.
K to the...
*BGLOs = Black Greek Letter Organizations
This year, I attended the Pride parade in my city for the first time and I had a blast.
![]() |
She had one of the best views of the parade. |
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Will we ever get to the point where my peeps can be proud everyday? When marriage between those of the same sex is simply called "marriage," just like marriage between a man and woman? I don't know. But, I do know my family, friends and sorors will always have my support.
And that's something that I'm very proud of.
K to the...
*BGLOs = Black Greek Letter Organizations
File under
loved ones,
who I is
Friday, June 15, 2012
Joys of commuting
Though my daily commute to and from work has been reduced by an hour due to the location of the new gig, I still have to scratch my head at times.
Not just because I have a dry scalp, at times.
I cross about 3 railroad crossings and a draw bridge en route to work. On the way to work, I was caught by a freight train, AND a draw bridge. On the way home, I was caught by two freight trains on two different tracks. By far, the worst commute I've had since starting the new job.
So, I thought.
This morning, I was caught by a freight train at the usual spot. No biggie...except the train was stalled on the tracks for about 5 minutes before proceeding its long auss along. About 7 minutes later, the gates comes up. FREEDOM!
Forty-seven seconds later, the gates come back down. That's right...another damn freight train. At this point, I know I'm going to be late, so I email my coworkers to give a heads up. The train passes and I proceed. I'll only be 10 minutes late.
About 5 miles later, I'm at the drawbridge and it's up.
I see a small boat coming from the left. I'm thinking "raising the bridge was not necessary". Then, I look to the right and here comes a barge moving at a glacial pace. Ah! So it was necessary. At this point, I'm, straight up, on chill mode, with the engine off and started typing this blog post.
By the time you read this, I will be at work, hoping my commute home will be way smoother. My coworkers and I had a good chuckle about this situation. One of them (who has to hug us if we'll be out off the office for more than 3 days -_-), had the nerve to remind me how I can go about winning a perfect attendance award.
I haven't given two flies on dog poo about perfect attendance since high school. Man, please.
Happy Friday!
K to the...
P.S. I really hope with this upcoming hot weekend, my hometown won't be in the national news due to shootings. *crosses fingers*
Not just because I have a dry scalp, at times.
I cross about 3 railroad crossings and a draw bridge en route to work. On the way to work, I was caught by a freight train, AND a draw bridge. On the way home, I was caught by two freight trains on two different tracks. By far, the worst commute I've had since starting the new job.
So, I thought.
This morning, I was caught by a freight train at the usual spot. No biggie...except the train was stalled on the tracks for about 5 minutes before proceeding its long auss along. About 7 minutes later, the gates comes up. FREEDOM!
Forty-seven seconds later, the gates come back down. That's right...another damn freight train. At this point, I know I'm going to be late, so I email my coworkers to give a heads up. The train passes and I proceed. I'll only be 10 minutes late.
About 5 miles later, I'm at the drawbridge and it's up.
I see a small boat coming from the left. I'm thinking "raising the bridge was not necessary". Then, I look to the right and here comes a barge moving at a glacial pace. Ah! So it was necessary. At this point, I'm, straight up, on chill mode, with the engine off and started typing this blog post.
By the time you read this, I will be at work, hoping my commute home will be way smoother. My coworkers and I had a good chuckle about this situation. One of them (who has to hug us if we'll be out off the office for more than 3 days -_-), had the nerve to remind me how I can go about winning a perfect attendance award.
I haven't given two flies on dog poo about perfect attendance since high school. Man, please.
Happy Friday!
K to the...
P.S. I really hope with this upcoming hot weekend, my hometown won't be in the national news due to shootings. *crosses fingers*
Monday, June 4, 2012
Love & Basketball Chronicles: You gon' learn today!
I'm not the type who talks mess when on the court. Actually, I don't say much, aside from typical teammate talk ("Shoot the J. SHOOT IT!") or calling out the score. However, on a fine Sunday morning following a night of tomfoolery while celebrating another Dirty Flirty Thirty birthday, I was talking. I was getting fed up with these two dudes who happen to have the same name. So, to protect the guilty, they'll be referred to as "Young Money" and "Old Money".
Young Money
Young Money is about 6 inches taller, and at least 20 pounds heavier than me. He constantly talks mess to me on the court and I usually ignore it. However, on this fine Sunday morning, ignoring him wasn't happening. YM was trying to get his Baby Shaq on because he just KNEW he could score on me due to this size advantage. In the midst of all the action, I calmly stated "[YM], you might not wanna underestimate my size or strength. It's not a good look for you."
He laughed.
And scored 0 points when posting me up. I tried told him!
Old Money
Old Money is in his 50s and is in pretty good shape. We always end up playing D on each other when we're on opposite teams. For the past month, I've noticed he's been getting extra frisky with his defense. One day, I felt hands all over my body, like there was a sign on my glutes that said "FREE FEELS!" After this instance of on-court molestation, I started to pay more attention to how he plays defense on others. Yeah...major difference.
So, on this same fine Sunday morning, I was being hacked by OM. I even heard him say "You're not getting sh*t today" under his breath. O_O I got fed up and called a foul on him (something I rarely do). Then, I spoke up about his hack attacks on me compared to everyone else. Of course, he denied it, but I wasn't backing down.
The next time he was on defense, he was like 3 feet away from me.
I hope I'm able to go back to my quiet self when I step back on the court.
K to the...
Young Money
Young Money is about 6 inches taller, and at least 20 pounds heavier than me. He constantly talks mess to me on the court and I usually ignore it. However, on this fine Sunday morning, ignoring him wasn't happening. YM was trying to get his Baby Shaq on because he just KNEW he could score on me due to this size advantage. In the midst of all the action, I calmly stated "[YM], you might not wanna underestimate my size or strength. It's not a good look for you."
He laughed.
And scored 0 points when posting me up. I tried told him!
Old Money
Old Money is in his 50s and is in pretty good shape. We always end up playing D on each other when we're on opposite teams. For the past month, I've noticed he's been getting extra frisky with his defense. One day, I felt hands all over my body, like there was a sign on my glutes that said "FREE FEELS!" After this instance of on-court molestation, I started to pay more attention to how he plays defense on others. Yeah...major difference.
So, on this same fine Sunday morning, I was being hacked by OM. I even heard him say "You're not getting sh*t today" under his breath. O_O I got fed up and called a foul on him (something I rarely do). Then, I spoke up about his hack attacks on me compared to everyone else. Of course, he denied it, but I wasn't backing down.
The next time he was on defense, he was like 3 feet away from me.
I hope I'm able to go back to my quiet self when I step back on the court.
K to the...
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Cubicle Chronicles: Debbie Downer On Duty
As you all know, I started a new gig last month. It was a bit frustrating at first trying to play catch up AND learn, but I'm starting to find my groove. I work at a children's hospital and the environment is so friendly. Plus, how can you be upset when you randomly run into someone dressed in a costume to entertain the children?
There are a few people who have been working at my job for 20, 30 years. It's like a big family and, aside from the interns, it seems I may be the youngest...again. Within this family, there is a Debbie Downer, with whom I work closely. She hates her job and has no problem telling people this...even our boss. O_O
Every time she talks to me she mentions:
There are a few people who have been working at my job for 20, 30 years. It's like a big family and, aside from the interns, it seems I may be the youngest...again. Within this family, there is a Debbie Downer, with whom I work closely. She hates her job and has no problem telling people this...even our boss. O_O
Every time she talks to me she mentions:
- how she's hated her job since her first day, 4 1/2 years ago;
- how she's trying to get out;
- how she can't believe my previous job wasn't better;
- how I should have done my research
One day, we were in the bathroom together and as I was washing my hands, she goes "So, this place was the only place that replied when you were searching for jobs?" Like, she was just disgusted that I wanted to work where I'm working. Look, I just want to wash my hands, ma'am!
I'm at the point where I'm scared to have a convo with her because it'll be full of her complaining and me saying "aaawww" as I try to keep my nonverbal from saying "Please, shut the hell up!"
Cheese and rice!
K to the...
Monday, May 21, 2012
Love & Basketball Chronicles: The Thirst Is Back
I don't know if it's because I've been coming to the gym solo dolo, or if folk are just being bold; but, maugs have been flirting more than usual on the court the past few months. Per usual, I blow it off. Thanks to my experiences at the YMCA, I have no interest in conversing with guys outside of the gym.
So yesterday, after a wack hooping session due to not winning any games, I was off to the side watching the half-court games, resting. This dude - we'll call him Lt. Cedric Daniels - sits near me. After talking about the games we just finished, he decided to get up in my business. The conversation goes as follows:
Daniels: Do you have a boyfriend?
Me: No. And I'm not looking either.
Daniels: Don't wanna be bothered?
Me: Nope, not at all
Daniels: We should hook up. You should hang with me at the lakefront
Me: *acts like I'm so into the game I'm watching that I don't hear him.*
Daniels: So, can we hook up? What's your name?
Me: Kenya
Daniels: I'm [redacted]
Me: ...
Daniels: So can we hook up?
Me: I don't hook up with anyone I hoop with up here.
Daniels: I don't really go here. Someone hooked me up with this gym. I just started going here. You've been here longer than me, right?
Me: About a year.
Daniels: So we can't hook-up?
Thankfully, at this point, someone came over talking ish and joking around. So, I was able to successfully Euro-step out that unnecessary auss convo. He also thought because I was shooting around with this one dude who comes on the court smelling like molded cheese from 1998, that the stinky guy was my boyfriend. Negroid, GO GET SOME BUSINESS!
I need guys to understand that not all women want to be in a relationship. If I say I don't want to be bothered, that doesn't mean try harder. Maybe if he still thought I was 18, I wouldn't have dealt with this.
K to the...
So yesterday, after a wack hooping session due to not winning any games, I was off to the side watching the half-court games, resting. This dude - we'll call him Lt. Cedric Daniels - sits near me. After talking about the games we just finished, he decided to get up in my business. The conversation goes as follows:
Daniels: Do you have a boyfriend?
Me: No. And I'm not looking either.
Daniels: Don't wanna be bothered?
Me: Nope, not at all
Daniels: We should hook up. You should hang with me at the lakefront
Me: *acts like I'm so into the game I'm watching that I don't hear him.*
Daniels: So, can we hook up? What's your name?
Me: Kenya
Daniels: I'm [redacted]
Me: ...
Daniels: So can we hook up?
Me: I don't hook up with anyone I hoop with up here.
Daniels: I don't really go here. Someone hooked me up with this gym. I just started going here. You've been here longer than me, right?
Me: About a year.
Daniels: So we can't hook-up?
Thankfully, at this point, someone came over talking ish and joking around. So, I was able to successfully Euro-step out that unnecessary auss convo. He also thought because I was shooting around with this one dude who comes on the court smelling like molded cheese from 1998, that the stinky guy was my boyfriend. Negroid, GO GET SOME BUSINESS!
I need guys to understand that not all women want to be in a relationship. If I say I don't want to be bothered, that doesn't mean try harder. Maybe if he still thought I was 18, I wouldn't have dealt with this.
K to the...
File under
child boo,
love and basketball,
the thirst
Monday, April 16, 2012
"Hair nappy, but I'm happy. Pocket full of dough!"
Good morning Saints, Ain'ts and Taints! A lot has happened since I last wrote on here...and so fast. But today? TODAY, DAMMIT!?! Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life: It's the first day at my new job. *throws Swingline-stapler-shaped confetti*
I worked at the last gig for 4 1/2 years, so this is huge, for me. I am stepping out of my comfort zone and I'm nervous...yet, excited. My fellow Dolphin, Tea, had asked if the Cubicle Chronicles would continue. Yes, they will. So, stay tuned for that.
Congratulations to me! *raises glass* L'Chaim!
K to the...
P.S. Yes, the title is from a Bow Wow song. It's the first lyric that came to mind when trying to think of a title. Fight me.
I worked at the last gig for 4 1/2 years, so this is huge, for me. I am stepping out of my comfort zone and I'm nervous...yet, excited. My fellow Dolphin, Tea, had asked if the Cubicle Chronicles would continue. Yes, they will. So, stay tuned for that.
Congratulations to me! *raises glass* L'Chaim!
K to the...
P.S. Yes, the title is from a Bow Wow song. It's the first lyric that came to mind when trying to think of a title. Fight me.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Wait...what did they say?
As a person who loves music, I admit that I don't catch on to lyrics of certain songs very well. I will make up some ish and go along with it like what I made up came straight from the liner notes. After listening DJ Hash's radio show last week, I was reminded of this flaw.
Last week, DJ Hash did a tribute to Timbaland and played some bangers from the late 90s and early 00s. One of the songs he played was Nicole Wray's "Make It Hot." In case you forgot how the song goes:
Last week, DJ Hash did a tribute to Timbaland and played some bangers from the late 90s and early 00s. One of the songs he played was Nicole Wray's "Make It Hot." In case you forgot how the song goes:
My fave part of the song is when Missy glides her finger-wave rocking self onto the track and raps the following:
I'm sitting
On the side
Of the curb
With a pocket
Full of herb
Ion't know
If y'all heard
I'm high as a bird
I can fly like Kelly,
I glide like skates
Me with no Timbaland is like Puff with no Ma$e
Hold up
Wait a minute
Whatchu say?
Back it up
Give me space
Who dat?
Nicole Wray
By the way
Better play
All day
Make the whole world say
Damn they suck a lei.
On the side
Of the curb
With a pocket
Full of herb
Ion't know
If y'all heard
I'm high as a bird
I can fly like Kelly,
I glide like skates
Me with no Timbaland is like Puff with no Ma$e
Hold up
Wait a minute
Whatchu say?
Back it up
Give me space
Who dat?
Nicole Wray
By the way
Better play
All day
Make the whole world say
Damn they suck a lei.
Wait, what? Suck a Lei!? Rapgenius says that last line is "Damn, this sucker Wray." That sounds more accurate, but I think sucking a lei is funnier. Therefore, I will continue to say "Damn they suck a lei"
Fight me.
Fight me.
K to the...
Thursday, February 16, 2012
#BARS: Rapid Refund Edition
Today's post is number 100 on Fantastical Randomocity! *throws 100-shaped confetti* I don't know if this is significant or not...but we'll just keep the party going.
Now, don't quote me on this, but it is a scientific fact that Instant messenger programs were invented SOLELY to maintain one's sanity. Aside from maintaining sanity, these programs also help start rap careers...that need not exist. Check out the G-chat freestyle battle between two Sagittarians, MC It's My Grant (myself) and MC Where's My Refund Check (Jordan) [Also seen on Tumblr].
*after a discussion about our wack income tax refunds for 2011*
MCIMG: gonna be a good year...I ain't talking about a tire/Jim Carrey "Liar, Liar"
MCWMRC: *passes u the mic* go get em
MCIMG: yo, yo...check it
progression, regression, recession, great depression
Super Bowl Sunday, who gon' throw an interception
MCWMRC: got an erection from the 08 election
no one showed affection, so much deception
I should be a Decepticon
mad my hairline mirrors Lebron's
MCIMG: That cul de sac hairline, word to Bron Bron
RIP to Cortez Cornelius, first name Don
MCWMRC: So I...witnessed KD In the Maxima
can I take u on a date is what I'm asking ya
she declined smoother than a babys ass
shoulda had better game with my lazy ass
tried to play for her heart, no love and basketball
bored expression on her face, I shouldn't have asked at all
but my button up was crispy
and no creases in my J's so how the f*** could she diss me?
LOL *passes mic*
MCIMG: *looks at ground and nods head* *notices dirt on boots* *wipes them off* *goes back to nodding*
Mara Hruby in my earphones, as I groove to the beat
no red leather jacket on, so the It, I can't Beat
Tryna regain composure after Jordan committed freestyle murder
"I'M SO HAPPY TO BE HEAH" like the African goat herder
But he wasn't a goat herder, he was a prince, Akeem
20 years later, Houston got the dream, HAKEEEEEM
*drops mic shakes left tit*
*pause for the cause, discusses freestyling in Vegas, on the strip, while inebriated (LOL), then...*
MCWMRC: spit in front of the Bellagio
lyrics drippin from our lips like a popsicle
damn I just drew a blank lol
MCIMG: hahahahha it rhymed, though
you good son...keep going!
MCWMRC: bring the beat back
uh uh
MCIMG: *lights candle*
LOL that was so random
MCWMRC: Lights candle? must be a vigil.
spittin in a cypher, one person in the middle.
*balls paper up* got damn it
*passes mic* lemme get my train of thought
MCIMG: You aight, son, we all draw blanks
it could be worse, you could be walking a plank
I can't swim, they say black people don't like water
but they like Joe Budden, who be in the House that be Slaughtered
MCIMG: *strokes imaginary beard*
We show you how to do this, son!
K to the...
Now, don't quote me on this, but it is a scientific fact that Instant messenger programs were invented SOLELY to maintain one's sanity. Aside from maintaining sanity, these programs also help start rap careers...that need not exist. Check out the G-chat freestyle battle between two Sagittarians, MC It's My Grant (myself) and MC Where's My Refund Check (Jordan) [Also seen on Tumblr].
*after a discussion about our wack income tax refunds for 2011*
MCIMG: gonna be a good year...I ain't talking about a tire/Jim Carrey "Liar, Liar"
MCWMRC: *passes u the mic* go get em
MCIMG: yo, yo...check it
progression, regression, recession, great depression
Super Bowl Sunday, who gon' throw an interception
MCWMRC: got an erection from the 08 election
no one showed affection, so much deception
I should be a Decepticon
mad my hairline mirrors Lebron's
MCIMG: That cul de sac hairline, word to Bron Bron
RIP to Cortez Cornelius, first name Don
MCWMRC: So I...witnessed KD In the Maxima
can I take u on a date is what I'm asking ya
she declined smoother than a babys ass
shoulda had better game with my lazy ass
tried to play for her heart, no love and basketball
bored expression on her face, I shouldn't have asked at all
but my button up was crispy
and no creases in my J's so how the f*** could she diss me?
LOL *passes mic*
MCIMG: *looks at ground and nods head* *notices dirt on boots* *wipes them off* *goes back to nodding*
Mara Hruby in my earphones, as I groove to the beat
no red leather jacket on, so the It, I can't Beat
Tryna regain composure after Jordan committed freestyle murder
"I'M SO HAPPY TO BE HEAH" like the African goat herder
But he wasn't a goat herder, he was a prince, Akeem
20 years later, Houston got the dream, HAKEEEEEM
*drops mic shakes left tit*
*pause for the cause, discusses freestyling in Vegas, on the strip, while inebriated (LOL), then...*
MCWMRC: spit in front of the Bellagio
lyrics drippin from our lips like a popsicle
damn I just drew a blank lol
MCIMG: hahahahha it rhymed, though
you good son...keep going!
MCWMRC: bring the beat back
uh uh
MCIMG: *lights candle*
LOL that was so random
MCWMRC: Lights candle? must be a vigil.
spittin in a cypher, one person in the middle.
*balls paper up* got damn it
*passes mic* lemme get my train of thought
MCIMG: You aight, son, we all draw blanks
it could be worse, you could be walking a plank
I can't swim, they say black people don't like water
but they like Joe Budden, who be in the House that be Slaughtered
MCIMG: *strokes imaginary beard*
We show you how to do this, son!
K to the...
File under
funny sheeit,
we do this son,
who I is
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Random Rumblings
- Happy Valentine's Day! :-D
- No, I don't have a Valentine.
- When I first started this blog, I was posting multiple times a week. Then I joined Twitter on 9/26/09, and different things I could have written about were tweeted. Then Tumblr came along and I truly neglected my first-born, Fantastical Randomocity. So, now I'm trying to regain her trust again. *caresses the blog*
- I deleted my Tumblr page. I really wish there was a way I could have saved all of my original thoughts on there. Maybe 30% of my posts were original thoughts; the rest was me reblogging pics or other folk's thoughts. So, some of my Tumblr posts will be rehashed on here.
- My grandmother hates all things Internet, especially Twitter. So, she gave me some advice a few months back: WRITE IT DOWN! Because of this, I keep a small notebook in my "everyday bag". I haven't written in it, yet. A lot of the time, music takes away whatever is bothering me...or I talk to myself or God.
- I don't like to be informed of when someone is tweeting mess about me. If I'm not mentioned in a tweet about me, by someone I don't follow, then it's not meant for me to see. It has only happened once in my new year. I'd like for that to be the first and last time.
- Having personal business (whether true or false) on the Internet sucks.
- Being able to block folk from texting or calling you is a great. Thanks, Sprint! Now, if they can block folk from showing up at my door, unexpectedly...
- I love my new tat. The location is risque for me, but the words are a reminder that needs to be easily seen by me.
- I've officially gone down one size in my jeans.
- RIP Whitney Houston. I still can't believe it.
File under
on my mind,
who I is
Monday, February 6, 2012
So, yesterday...
Yeah, three blogposts in the past week. Just let it ride, mmkay?
So, I don't have to say what yesterday was. Even my unborn child knew what yesterday was. But because of what yesterday was, we were treated to some very interesting commercials...yesterday. I wasn't too impressed with the commercials, but there were three that stuck out that had me with the gigglefits. See my top 3 commercials that were shown because of what yesterday was. ;-)
So, I don't have to say what yesterday was. Even my unborn child knew what yesterday was. But because of what yesterday was, we were treated to some very interesting commercials...yesterday. I wasn't too impressed with the commercials, but there were three that stuck out that had me with the gigglefits. See my top 3 commercials that were shown because of what yesterday was. ;-)
Friday, February 3, 2012
Who run the world? BIRDS!
As a kid, in science class, I was told birds fly south for the winter. With my imagination, I pictured the birds flying to Florida hanging with their bird-cousins and having a grand ole time. Then, March hits, and they make their way back to the Chi.
Then, I grew up and realized that maybe I was told wrong. Maybe the birds do not fly south. If they did, I wouldn't have poop stains on myBentley car during the winter months. Maybe my teacher meant they fly to the South Side for winter. Yeah, that's it.
So, I accepted the fact that all birds do not fly south for the winter. Just take a stroll down Wabash in downtown Chicago and you'll see a flock of ratchet auss pigeons looking for food, or just strolling down the street like it's nothing.
Because these rat bastards do not fly south for the winter, they seek heat just like humans. This means taking over the heating lamps on a CTA platform.
Sometimes, it's just 2 pigeons; sometimes it's a waka flock of them! Ever since I had lunch one day outside and a pigeon was 6 inches away from my french fries, I stay away from them. I find a "safe spot" off to the side, like the lady in the pic, and stand there. I don't bother the pigeons...and they don't bother me.
I'm at least 130 lbs heavier than these bastards. But I'm the one that has to show them respect? I see who run things around heah!
K to the...
Then, I grew up and realized that maybe I was told wrong. Maybe the birds do not fly south. If they did, I wouldn't have poop stains on my
So, I accepted the fact that all birds do not fly south for the winter. Just take a stroll down Wabash in downtown Chicago and you'll see a flock of ratchet auss pigeons looking for food, or just strolling down the street like it's nothing.
Because these rat bastards do not fly south for the winter, they seek heat just like humans. This means taking over the heating lamps on a CTA platform.
![]() |
Obviously, their feathers aren't enough to keep them warm. |
I'm at least 130 lbs heavier than these bastards. But I'm the one that has to show them respect? I see who run things around heah!
K to the...
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Grown-up life: Overrated
What up! How's the new year treating folk, so far? I hope it's well. I'm on month two of my new year and it's not so bad. Been doing a lot of reflecting; especially on my employment situation and where I lay my head at night. Let me be honest, right now. [Not that I've been lying the previous 98 blog posts. I'm just being dramatical. ;-)] There were three main reasons I moved to Hammond, Indiana: To be closer to the beau, to be closer to the gym I frequent and love, and it's cheaper. Now that I'm single, folk might read the first reason in the previous sentence and judge me. To you I say this: So the hell what!
Anywho, the cost of everything is steady increasing, yet my pay is the same. So what does this mean?
*2Chainz voice* CUTBAAACKS!
I had to decide which monthly expenses I have could be decreased or eliminated. Then, Comcast went and charged me $1.99 for downgrading my plan, without telling me. So, Comcast was the lucky winner. I cancelled Comcast, signed up for Netflix, got AT&T Internet, and I'm saving a good $135 a month.
I'm trying to cut costs as much as I can because I don't wanna move back into the city; not with my current salary. Maybe the suburbs; but not the city. Would you be in a rush to go back to 10.25% sales tax on everything after living in a place where sales tax is 7% and there is no sales tax on food? I didn't think so.
K to the...
Anywho, the cost of everything is steady increasing, yet my pay is the same. So what does this mean?
*2Chainz voice* CUTBAAACKS!
I had to decide which monthly expenses I have could be decreased or eliminated. Then, Comcast went and charged me $1.99 for downgrading my plan, without telling me. So, Comcast was the lucky winner. I cancelled Comcast, signed up for Netflix, got AT&T Internet, and I'm saving a good $135 a month.
I'm trying to cut costs as much as I can because I don't wanna move back into the city; not with my current salary. Maybe the suburbs; but not the city. Would you be in a rush to go back to 10.25% sales tax on everything after living in a place where sales tax is 7% and there is no sales tax on food? I didn't think so.
K to the...
File under
grown-up life is overrated,
who I is
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