Good morning all!
I was on some true ignant ish last night and was tweeting my thoughts of the BET Awards 2009 Winter Edition bka the Soul Train Awards.
But after watching the awards last night, I can't help but to wonder. So maybe you wonderfer people can help me out.
How can a show that hasn't come in years have an awards show?
How can the person who is the creator of the show NOT be at the awards show?
Why won't Debra Lee go sit down?
That is all. Happy Monday!
P.S. The anniversary of me arriving on earth this week...countdown is ON, snitchessssssssss!
P.P.S. Follow me on Twitter...KDW824
P.P.S.S. Nothing, just wanted to type "P.P.S.S."
Monday, November 30, 2009
Mystery Monday 11.30.9
File under
awards shows,
this some bull
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
"Funny, how time flies when you're having fun..."
Good [insert time of day you're reading this HERE] everyone!
The day thanks and gluttony is almost amongst us!
I'd like to send a big UGH to my co-worker who is on vacay till next Monday! She put up her Christmas decorations, forcing me to look at garland on top of the cubicle wall we share since last Tuesday. She even gave me some left over garland to use on my desk. I threw that ish in BACK of my bottom drawer.
I LOVE the holiday season, but I can politely wait till AFTER Thanksgiving to decorate...
I don't decorate my office space for the holidays anyway, sooo...
Moving along.
I always get this giddy feeling in my tum-tum around this time of the year. Never clockwork. You have Thanksgiving...official beginning of the holiday season the next day...and some 8-13 days after's my birthday!
But this year it's different. I have this giddy feeling, along with so many memories of what I've done during this 24th* year of my life.
If you know me and have me saved as a friend on facebook....then you already know!!! I definitesly (Yeah, defiNITESly) got it** in this year! January through April, I was gone at LEAST one weekend out the month. I mean, I was gone so much in March, my ComEd bill was under $20.
It was THAT serious.
And if I wasn't out of town, I was getting it** in right cheah in Shick-A-Go.
What's my point?
Time definitely does fly when you're having fun.
And my time is on a space shuttle to the moon, son!
So, I say to you:
My family
4T's & an N
WY Dolphins
BU Braves
Sawrahs (That dayum chapter, Phabulous & Phly)
Krewe of Treachery
and everyone else I've kicked it with***
thanks for joining me on the ride! :-)
K to the...
*I'm going to stop this lie on my birthday...and start a new lie & say I'm 25. Thanks
** I still don't know what "it" is
*** Look, I can kick it and ACK a fool with just about anyone. But because I care, if you want a special shout out, I'll shout you out in the comment section. (You big baby! lol)
The day thanks and gluttony is almost amongst us!
I'd like to send a big UGH to my co-worker who is on vacay till next Monday! She put up her Christmas decorations, forcing me to look at garland on top of the cubicle wall we share since last Tuesday. She even gave me some left over garland to use on my desk. I threw that ish in BACK of my bottom drawer.
I LOVE the holiday season, but I can politely wait till AFTER Thanksgiving to decorate...
I don't decorate my office space for the holidays anyway, sooo...
Moving along.
I always get this giddy feeling in my tum-tum around this time of the year. Never clockwork. You have Thanksgiving...official beginning of the holiday season the next day...and some 8-13 days after's my birthday!
But this year it's different. I have this giddy feeling, along with so many memories of what I've done during this 24th* year of my life.
If you know me and have me saved as a friend on facebook....then you already know!!! I definitesly (Yeah, defiNITESly) got it** in this year! January through April, I was gone at LEAST one weekend out the month. I mean, I was gone so much in March, my ComEd bill was under $20.
It was THAT serious.
And if I wasn't out of town, I was getting it** in right cheah in Shick-A-Go.
What's my point?
Time definitely does fly when you're having fun.
And my time is on a space shuttle to the moon, son!
So, I say to you:
My family
4T's & an N
WY Dolphins
BU Braves
Sawrahs (That dayum chapter, Phabulous & Phly)
Krewe of Treachery
and everyone else I've kicked it with***
thanks for joining me on the ride! :-)
K to the...
*I'm going to stop this lie on my birthday...and start a new lie & say I'm 25. Thanks
** I still don't know what "it" is
*** Look, I can kick it and ACK a fool with just about anyone. But because I care, if you want a special shout out, I'll shout you out in the comment section. (You big baby! lol)
File under
getting older,
grown as hell,
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
"Where they do that at?" Wednesday
Let me just say that I do not use the phrase in my title on a regular basis. Was just trying to stick with the alliteration, ok?
Anywho, I have a random question for yall and I need an answer.
Is it rude to expel gas in a public restroom?
And if it isn't, then why do I be in the bathroom tryna hold-in any expulsion that may occur so folk don't be thinking "Girl, she gots some serious gas"; so folk won't give me the side-eye when I come out the stall to wash my hands.
Ladies, don't you dare ACK like it's just me.
So I ask you, wonderful people...
To poot or not to poot in a public restroom?
That is the question!
K to the...
Anywho, I have a random question for yall and I need an answer.
Is it rude to expel gas in a public restroom?
And if it isn't, then why do I be in the bathroom tryna hold-in any expulsion that may occur so folk don't be thinking "Girl, she gots some serious gas"; so folk won't give me the side-eye when I come out the stall to wash my hands.
Ladies, don't you dare ACK like it's just me.
So I ask you, wonderful people...
To poot or not to poot in a public restroom?
That is the question!
K to the...
File under
bodily function,
dark side,
I wonder,
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thoughtful Thursday 11.12.09
May the things that make me Sigma
Be the things that guide my day,
May the torch of dear Aurora
Light the path along my way.
May my life be so exemplary
That everyone will know
Just by my deeds, that I am
Apart of Sigma Gamma Rho.
-Soror Eleanor Richardson
Happy Founders' Day, SoRHOrs!!!
Be the things that guide my day,
May the torch of dear Aurora
Light the path along my way.
May my life be so exemplary
That everyone will know
Just by my deeds, that I am
Apart of Sigma Gamma Rho.
-Soror Eleanor Richardson
Happy Founders' Day, SoRHOrs!!!
File under
Sigma Woman
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Thoughtless Tuesday 11.10.9
What up folk (No G.D.)!
This post is absolutely on!
Today's date is indeed 11/10/09...11.10.9.
Tomorrow marks the beginning of WTF...Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Thursday is my sorority's founders' day. If you randomly spot someone on Thursday at ya work place rocking royal blue and antique gold...let her have her 1922 seconds of glory, ok?
Sammy Sosa is turning white. Ok, ok, ok...I know it's a possible skin condition. Calm down...calm down.
Katt Williams got arrested, with a mugshot looking like he was saying "I am so happy to be here." (Yess, Akeem)
A CTA bus crashed into someone's home this morning. Glad nobody was seriously hurt, but the driver took curbside service to a whole 'nother level.
The Critters of the Midway known as the Bears just can't get right.
I have yet to watch a Bulls' game this season! *hangs head in shame*
I honestly don't see what's funny when I tell folk I'm taking a dance class.
And I learned, today due to minimal tolerance I have today, that there is a such thing as a dumb, a dumb@$$ question!
That is all for today. My mind is clouded with mucus and paradiddles*. lol
K to the...
*Look it up!
This post is absolutely on!
Today's date is indeed 11/10/09...11.10.9.
Tomorrow marks the beginning of WTF...Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Thursday is my sorority's founders' day. If you randomly spot someone on Thursday at ya work place rocking royal blue and antique gold...let her have her 1922 seconds of glory, ok?
Sammy Sosa is turning white. Ok, ok, ok...I know it's a possible skin condition. Calm down...calm down.
Katt Williams got arrested, with a mugshot looking like he was saying "I am so happy to be here." (Yess, Akeem)
A CTA bus crashed into someone's home this morning. Glad nobody was seriously hurt, but the driver took curbside service to a whole 'nother level.
The Critters of the Midway known as the Bears just can't get right.
I have yet to watch a Bulls' game this season! *hangs head in shame*
I honestly don't see what's funny when I tell folk I'm taking a dance class.
And I learned, today due to minimal tolerance I have today, that there is a such thing as a dumb, a dumb@$$ question!
That is all for today. My mind is clouded with mucus and paradiddles*. lol
K to the...
*Look it up!
File under
dumb questions,
ni99as n flies,
what ev
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Thoughtless Tuesday 11.3.09
These thoughtless thoughts on this Tuesday are brought to you by Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate. America runs on it because there’s crack in it!

Ya know what…I pulled that Left Eye costume off better than I thought I would. Ion’t care what anyone says. I wish I had the bright color pants…but the aura was there!
Ya know what…there’s a reason you’re a former (ex b/f, ex boo, ex dipetc) so there’s no need for you to keep tabs on my love life. Yo initials ain't "LP", so get some business.
Ya know what…anyone with whom you can have the most random convos…from different types of turds to the “tackle and berries” ratio is definitely a BFF, like “LP”. Lol
Ya know what…you ain’t right for sending pics of your phallus to my email…and then a month later you’re engaged. Isn’t that being kinda rude to your g/f-turned-fiancĂ©e?
Ya know what…if you’re on the verge of getting your AARP card and you tryna start s#!t over the internet…go sit yo auss down, file for your SSI before you break your damn hip. Leave that for the under 21 crowd. Twitter, nor facebook, makes you hard cuz you, unlike a real man, won’t say ish when I’m in your face!
Ya know what…you ain’t right, C. Breezy for that album cover. It’s “wiggity wack”, which leads to..
Ya know what…where the hell is Kris Kross?
Ya know what…730a is too early for you to be on the phone, talking loud on the CTA about “You tryna go smoke…you only got $3?”
Ya know what…the nonverbal ALWAYS speak louder than the verbals. Just ask the little negroid who I shut up…twice…on the court yesterday without saying a word.
Ya know what…there comes a point when your sorors aren’t just sorors anymore. You actually consider them to be your friends…and I’ve experienced that with quite a few of my sorors.
Ya know what…I really wish my coworker would stop laughing when he’s telling a story. It’s never funny… and causes me to look at him like this…expressionless!

How grant reports are funny, Ion’t know. Maybe he reads em in a comedian voice. *Kanye shrug*
Ya know what…I have the biggest crush on my dance instructor, I can barely give him eye contact in class. I love a dark-skinned man with fresh locs. My instructor is light-skinned with a bald head. *swoons*
Ya know what…it annoys me when I can’t listen to music on the bus without adjusting my earplugs every 3 minutes. The hole leading to my ear canal is too small. *pause* lol Get ya mind out the gutter…
Ya know what…being complimented by a man with no ulterior motive is the best thing in the world. I was called gorgeous this morning as I grabbed the crack known as Dunkin Donuts' hot chocolate.
Ya know what…I might feel, at times, like strangling one of my exes, but being forced to watch football when we were together and listen to him sound like the adults on Charlie Brown when talking about fantasy football made me appreciate the sport even more. And seeing those toight booties in the toight pants being toight like a tiger isn’t bad either. *drools*
Ya know what…if I don’t get back to Nawlins ASAP, it’s gonna be trouble!
Ya know what…I have my own clippers and I line my neck every two weeks because the clippers my beautician uses makes my neck look like she was playing tic tac toe on my neck.
Ya know what…Twitter really is the devil. But it keeps me entertained!
Ya know what…I think my job needs to get a fb page, so then fb won’t be blocked at the job. I mean, they’re on Twitter! *side eye*
Ya know what…my birthday is a month away, and I don’t know what I’m gonna do.
Ya know what…next time a homeless person asks me for $.75, I’m gonna give a $1. And if they ask the next person for $.75, I’m taking my damn dollar back. Just call me an “Indian giver.”
Ya know what…looks definitely AREN’T everything! I almost reverted back to a former, but thought about the b-a-ness displayed, and decided to just leave that alone. Lol
Ya know what…it seems to be perfectly normal to spend $8 on lunch in downtown Shick-A-Go. I can’t go…not EVERYday! Gonna have to pick a Hot Pocket, son!
Ya know what…lady, we’re in the same room, so lower ya d@mn voice. Running up my light bill.
Ya know what…the meeting was scheduled to be over at 12:30p. You still asking questions at 12:43p. Shat up!
Ya know what...I think I somewhat cussed at my mom on Sunday. She explained a situation to me and I was like “So you almost sharted on yourself?” Now, we all know what a shart is…so, yeah…I think I kinda sorta maybe but not really cussed at my mom. lol
Ya know what...I'm done!
K to the...
File under
this some bull,
what ev,
ya know what?
Sunday, November 1, 2009
"But patience is a virtue, being anxious just might hurt you..."
*This post has been chillin as a draft since September 30th! *tsk tsk* Well, I don't have anything else to here it goes.*
Well, December will make three years since the last time I had a relaxer. See...I didn't do it to try to seem "more black". I mean, I'm light-skinned...and tans fade away. So, technically...I can't get "more black"!
This whole going natural thing started off as me trying to see how long I could go without a relaxer. After a year, I decided to just *points to barrel of water* gon' head & keep the party going. Now I'm debating on if I want locs, eventually.
But before I do that, I'm the process of growing out this "custom" color my beautician put in my head beginning in '07. I say "custom" because that's exactly what my beautician said when I asked her the name of the color. Look, I don't need folk to lie to me to make me feel special. I see the damn color on a Dark 'N Lovely kit at Soo Kim' Beauty Supply. Don't do me, lady! *side eye* So anywho, after this color is grown out, then I'll decide on what's next. That's alot of waiting...alot of patience!
As I approach the 24th year* of my life (Sagittarians, stand up!) I realize more and more each day that if you really want something, it's not going to come to you when you want. It's going to come on God's time. So in the meantime, you gotta practice patience. From joining a sorority to finally being able to take a tap dance class 20 years after seeing "Tap"...I have the patience of an effing** saint!
It's in my blood son!
K to the...
*iLie again.
** Is it blasphemous to use this euphemism before the word "saint"?
P.S. Cool points to whomever can tell me from what song this post's title comes.
Well, December will make three years since the last time I had a relaxer. See...I didn't do it to try to seem "more black". I mean, I'm light-skinned...and tans fade away. So, technically...I can't get "more black"!
This whole going natural thing started off as me trying to see how long I could go without a relaxer. After a year, I decided to just *points to barrel of water* gon' head & keep the party going. Now I'm debating on if I want locs, eventually.
But before I do that, I'm the process of growing out this "custom" color my beautician put in my head beginning in '07. I say "custom" because that's exactly what my beautician said when I asked her the name of the color. Look, I don't need folk to lie to me to make me feel special. I see the damn color on a Dark 'N Lovely kit at Soo Kim' Beauty Supply. Don't do me, lady! *side eye* So anywho, after this color is grown out, then I'll decide on what's next. That's alot of waiting...alot of patience!
As I approach the 24th year* of my life (Sagittarians, stand up!) I realize more and more each day that if you really want something, it's not going to come to you when you want. It's going to come on God's time. So in the meantime, you gotta practice patience. From joining a sorority to finally being able to take a tap dance class 20 years after seeing "Tap"...I have the patience of an effing** saint!
It's in my blood son!
K to the...
*iLie again.
** Is it blasphemous to use this euphemism before the word "saint"?
P.S. Cool points to whomever can tell me from what song this post's title comes.
File under
grown as hell,
I wonder,
who I is
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